"Come away with me"
Camera : Superheadz UWS
Film : Kodak EBX
Manusia mudah lupa. Lagi-lagi macam aku ni. Kadang-kadang tak motivated betul nak buat something tu, sebab tu kadang-kadang bagus kena bambu, ada orang remindkan kita things that we might have forgotten.
"What happened to you Zulaikha?"
Ni macam mana nak jawab ni. Takkan nak cakap, "I got lost during 2nd and 3rd semester, but I managed to climb back up again during the 4th and 5th semester, but as my fundamental basics weren't that strong, things are not that easy for me now". Anyway, after some random mumbling, aku pun chow. Tapi deep down I felt special knowing that someone do care about me (other than my family). That is why I felt a terrible need of doing well especially in your subject.
Time flies. Dah nak masuk bulan 3. Bulan 5 dah final exam. Lepas tu habis. Bukan cuti sems. Tapi betul-betul habis. InsyaAllah. Taktau macam mana perasaan tu. Excited and yet scary at the same time. Dah lama tak pegang camera. Rindu. Busy dengan proposal, project paper. Motif gambar atas tu, tak sabar nak habis semua ni, nak pi holiday. Hehe. Kelakar tengokkan kita sekarang ni. Bila busy, bila stress dok complain dekat FB, dekat Twitter, macam depa dapat tolong apa-apa. Kalau dah dok online dekat social sites tu semua, macam mana nak siap kerjaaaa. haha. #akusendirijugak #okthxbai
P.S. Kalau orang tu jarang senyum, bila dia senyum, terasa nak nyanyi "when you semaailll, the whole world stop and stare for a while" Haha
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